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¿Blando o suave?
The adjectives blando and suave can be translated as soft, smooth. They can describe a person's character or material properties. The main meaning of the word blando is non-resisting, while the word suave directly means pleasant to the touch or pleasant in communication.
As a character trait, the word blando can be translated as soft, lenient, characterless, weak. It is a negative trait.
The word suave can be translated as delicate, charming, tactful, gentle etc. It is a positive trait. The opposite is harsh, rude.
Juan es demasiado blando, y en su trabajo todos se aprovechan de él – Juan is too soft/lenient, at work everyone takes advantage of him
Mi jefe es estricto, pero suave, cuando nos ordena algo parece que nos lo está pidiendo – My boss is strict, but gentle, when he orders us something he seems to be asking usMi profesor es muy blando y no sabe imponer la disciplina – My teacher is very soft and does not know how to impose discipline
Mi profesora es muy suave, nos tiene enamorados a todos – My teacher is very sweet, we all are in love with her
Blando can also mean weak, delicate:
Eres demasiado blando para jugar al rugby – You are too weak / delicate to play rugby
When referring to materials and food, blando is translated as soft:
Este colchón es muy blando, da gusto dormir en él – This mattress is very soft, it's nice to sleep on it
Mi abuelo no tiene dientes, y sólo come cosas blandas – My grandfather has no teeth, and only eats soft things
The word suave is not used with materials, but surfaces, and means nice to touch. It should be translated as soft, gentle depending on the context:
Esta camisa es muy suave, tócala, ¡parece un osito de peluche! – This shirt is very soft, touch it, it seems like a teddy bear!
¡Mira que piel más suave tiene este bebé! – Look how soft is the baby’s skin!
These adjectives can be used metaphorically. Blando means softer than it should be, more restrained, not so strict:
una norma blanda – not a strict rule
la droga blanda – soft drugs
The word suave also involves moderation, but always in a positive sense, when you can add the word nice:
la brisa suave – soft (pleasant, light) breeze
la música suave – soft (light, not loud, nice) music
The opposites are blando – duro, suave – áspero (with materials) or suave – brusco (with people).
Autor/a Jorge Gelfand
blando siempre es negativo
suave siempre es positivo
El antónimo de suave es áspero
Si alguien tiene poco carácter, decimos que es suave
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blando | suave |
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Han sacado una película sobre los nazis, pero me ha parecido demasiado , no critican casi nada.
Mi padre es muy brusco, en cambio, mi madre es muy y cariñosa.
– Tu cama es demasiado , no duermo bien. – Si te parece poco dura, ¿por qué no duermes en el suelo?
¡Me encanta este vestido, es tan , tan agradable al tacto!
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Un carácter blando – un carácter
Una tela suave – una tela
Una canción alta y chillona – una canción
Un abrazo suave – un abrazo
Un chico fuerte – un chico
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